meaning'do, change, make, benefit, welfare, be of use, reach to, try, practice, cost, serve as, good, advantage, as a result of'
 kunyomiため, な.る, な.す, す.る, たり, つく.る, なり
ためgood, advantage, in order to
かわせmoney order, exchange
為るするto change, to be of use, to reach to
じんいhuman work, human agency, art, artificiality
じんいてきartificial, unnatural
さくいartificiality; act, commission (of a crime)
きふこういact of endowment or donation
かわせそうばexchange rates
むさくいat random, unintentional
こういact, deed, conduct
便ゆうびんかわせpostal money order
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