term | pronunciation | English |
清潔 | せいけつ | clean |
不潔 | ふけつ | unclean, dirty, filthy, impure |
廉潔 | れんけつ | honest, incorruptible, integrity |
清廉潔白 | せいれんけっぱく | being upright and cleanhanded |
潔い | いさぎよい | manly, sportsmanlike, pure, upright |
潔く | いさぎよく | bravely, manfully |
潔し | いさぎよし | pride, disdain |
潔しとしない | いさぎよしとしない | find it against one's conscience (to do), too proud (to do) |
潔癖 | けっぺき | fastidiousness, love of cleanliness |
潔白 | けっぱく | innocence (i.e. not guilty), purity, uprightness |
簡潔 | かんけつ | brevity, conciseness, simplicity |
簡潔明瞭 | かんけつめいりょう | clear and concise |
貞潔 | ていけつ | chastity, purity |
高潔 | こうけつ | purity, nobility |