meaning'refreshing, nice and cool'
 kunyomiすず.しい, すず.む, すず.やか, うす.い, ひや.す, まことに
涼しいすずしいcool (weather)
涼むすずむto cool oneself, to cool off
涼みすずみcooling oneself, enjoying the cool air
涼やかすずやかrefreshing, clear
涼をとるりょうをとるto cool off (literary)
りょうふう, すずかぜcool breeze, refreshing breeze
せいりょうcool, refreshing
せいりょういんりょうすいsoft drink
そうりょうcool and refreshing
のうりょう(enjoying the) cool of the evening
こうりょうdesolate, dreary, bleak
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