term | pronunciation | English |
一流 | いちりゅう | first class, top grade, foremost, top-notch |
交流 | こうりゅう | alternating current, intercourse |
合流 | ごうりゅう | confluence, union, linking up, merge |
流域 | りゅういき | (river) basin |
直流 | ちょくりゅう | direct current |
流石 | さすが | clever, adept, good, expectations |
流行 | りゅうこう | fashion; fad; vogue; craze |
流行る | はやる | to flourish, to thrive, to be popular |
電流 | でんりゅう | electric current |
主流 | しゅりゅう | main current (stream), mainline, mainstream |
亜流 | ありゅう | bad second, epigone, adherent, follower, imitator |
伏流 | ふくりゅう | subterranean stream |
垂れ流し | たれながし | incontinence, soiling one's pants |
奔流 | ほんりゅう | torrent, violently rushing stream, tumbling (water) |
嫡流 | ちゃくりゅう | lineage of eldest son |
底流 | ていりゅう | bottom current, undercurrent |
暖流 | だんりゅう | warm current |
流し網 | ながしあみ | drift net |
流れ | ながれ | stream, current, flow |
流儀 | りゅうぎ | style, fashion |
流動 | りゅうどう | flow |
流暢 | りゅうちょう | fluent (language skill), flowing |
流氷 | りゅうひょう | drift ice, ice floe |
流浪 | るろう | vagrancy, wandering, nomadism |
流血 | りゅうけつ | bloodshed |
流行性感冒 | りゅうこうせいかんぼう | influenza, flu |
流麗 | りゅうれい | fluent, flowing, elegant |
清流 | せいりゅう | clear stream |
渓流 | けいりゅう | mountain stream |
渓流釣り | けいりゅうづり | mountain stream fishing |
渦流 | かりゅう | swirling current |
漂流 | ひょうりゅう | drifting, drift |
漂流木 | ひょうりゅうぼく | driftwood |
潮流 | ちょうりゅう | tide, tidal current, trend |
濁流 | だくりゅう | muddy stream |
火砕流 | かさいりゅう | pyroclastic flow (type of volcanic eruption), stone wind |
石に漱ぎ流れに枕す | いしにくちすすぎながれにまくらす | refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument |
自己流 | じこりゅう | one's own style, self-taught manner |
還流 | かんりゅう | return current, convection, reflux |