meaning'haven, port, harbor, ferry'
あいづぬりAizu lacquer ware
にゅうしんentering a port
ぜんこくつつうらうらall over the country
津津ぜんこくつつうらうらall over the country
あまつheavenly, imperial
あまつおとめcelestial maiden
あまつみおやimperial ancestor
あまつひつぎimperial throne
つつうらうら, つづうらうらall over the country, throughout the land, every nook and cranny of the land
つなみtsunami, tidal wave
津津つつうらうら, つづうらうらall over the country, throughout the land, every nook and cranny of the land
つなみtsunami, tidal wave
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