term | pronunciation | English |
泣く | なく | cry |
号泣 | ごうきゅう | crying aloud, lamentation, wailing |
嬉し泣き | うれしなき | weeping for joy, crying with happiness |
悔し泣き | くやしなき | crying from vexation, tears of regret |
泣かされる | なかされる | to be moved to tears; to suffer greatly (from) |
泣かす | なかす | to make someone cry; to grieve |
泣かせる | なかせる | to make someone cry; to let cry; to grieve |
泣き | なき | weeping, lamenting |
泣きじゃくる | なきじゃくる | to sob |
泣き叫ぶ | なきさけぶ | to cry and shout, to scream |
泣き喚く | なきわめく | to bawl, to cry, to scream |
泣き声 | なきごえ | cry, crying voice |
泣き崩れる | なきくずれる | to break down crying |
泣叫ぶ | なきさけぶ | to cry and shout, to scream |
泣喚く | なきわめく | to bawl, to cry, to scream |