term | pronunciation | English |
決して | けっして | never, by no means |
決心 | けっしん | determination, resolution |
決定 | けってい | decision, determination |
決る | きまる | to be decided, to be settled |
決める | きめる | to decide |
解決 | かいけつ | settlement, solution, resolution |
判決 | はんけつ | judicial decision, judgement, judgment, sentence, decree |
可決 | かけつ | approval, adoption (e.g. motion, bill), passage |
否決 | ひけつ | rejection, negation, voting down |
強行採決 | きょうこうさいけつ | steamroller voting, steamrollering |
採決 | さいけつ | vote, roll call |
未決囚 | みけつしゅう | unconvicted prisoner, prisoner under trial |
未解決 | みかいけつ | unsettled, pending, unresolved |
決まって | きまって | always, without fail, usually, regularly |
決勝 | けっしょう | decision of a contest, finals (in sports) |
決意 | けつい | decision, determination |
決断 | けつだん | decision, determination |
決済 | けっさい | settlement, payment of account |
決着 | けっちゃく | conclusion, decision, end, settlement |
決算 | けっさん | balance sheet, settlement of accounts |
決裂 | けつれつ | breakdown, rupture |
決議 | けつぎ | resolution, vote, decision |
決起 | けっき | jump to one's feet, stand up against, rising to action |
決選投票 | けっせんとうひょう | final (decisive) vote, run-off ballot |
準決勝 | じゅんけっしょう | semifinal (in sports) |