term | pronunciation | English |
気 | き、けい | soul, spirit, stream |
気持ち | きもち | a feeling |
不気味 | ぶきみ | weird |
気分がい | きぶんがいい | to feel well |
気分が悪 | きぶんがわるい | to feel ill |
元気 | げんき | happy, healthy, jolly, cheerful |
人気 | にんき | popularity |
天気 | てんき | weather |
気違い | きちがい | mad (crazy) |
元気のな | げんきのない | depressed; low-spirited; cheerless |
寒気 | さむけ | a chill, a shivering fit |
気が弱い | きがよわい | do not have the courage |
天気予報 | てんきよほう | weather forecast, weather report |
換気 | かんき | ventilation |
気圧 | きあつ | atmospheric pressure |
気を付ける | きをつける | to be careful, to pay attention, to take care |
景気 | けいき | condition, state, business (condition) |
大気 | たいき | atmosphere |
気分 | きぶん | feeling, mood |
強気 | つよき | firm, strong |
呑気 | のんき | carefree, optimistic, careless, reckless, heedless |
吐き気 | はきけ | nausea, sickness in the stomach |
平気 | へいき | coolness, calmness, composure, unconcern |
勇気 | ゆうき | courage, bravery, valour, nerve, boldness |
気温 | きおん | temperature |
湯気 | ゆげ | steam, vapour |
湿気 | しっけ | moisture, humidity, dampness |
病気 | びょうき | sickness |
空気 | くうき | air |
蒸気 | じょうき | steam, vapour |
水蒸気 | すいじょうき | water vapour, steam |
気軽な | きがるな | lighthearted |
気配 | けはい | indication, market trend, worry |
陽気 | ようき | season, weather, cheerfulness |
雰囲気 | ふんいき | atmosphere (e.g. musical), mood, ambience |
電気 | でんき | light (manmade) |
電気屋 | でんきや | electrician |
一気 | いっき | drink! (said repeatedly as a party cheer) |
不景気 | ふけいき | business recession, hard times, depression, gloom, sullenness, cheerlessness |
人気失墜 | にんきしっつい | decline in public favor, fall in popularity |
低気圧 | ていきあつ | low (atmospheric) pressure, cyclone, bad temper, tense situation |
侍気質 | さむらいかたぎ | samurai spirit |
元気旺盛 | げんきおうせい | brimming with vitality, full of vigor, full of life |
匠気 | しょうき | affectation, desire to be impressive |
圧搾空気 | あっさくくうき | compressed air |
地磁気 | ちじき | geomagnetism, terrestrial magnetism |
堅気 | かたぎ | honest, respectable |
士気旺盛 | しきおうせい | morale being very high, heightened fighting spirit |
好景気 | こうけいき | good times, boom, (wave of) prosperity |
嫌気 | いやき, いやけ, けんき | dislike, disgust, disinclination, tired of |
家族的な雰囲気 | かぞくてきなふんいき | family atmosphere |
弱気 | よわき | timid, faint-hearted, bearish sentiment |
惰気 | だき | indolence, listlessness |
意気軒昂 | いきけんこう | in high spirits, elated |
意気軒高 | いきけんこう | in high spirits, elated |
意気込み | いきごみ | ardor, enthusiasm |
意気阻喪 | いきそそう | depressed in spirits, rejection, disheartened, lacking nerve |
才気 | さいき | wisdom |
排気 | はいき | exhaust, ventilation |
換気扇 | かんきせん | ventilation fan |
暢気 | のんき | carefree, optimistic, careless, reckless, heedless, happy-go-lucky, easygoing |
気の毒 | きのどく | pitiful, unfortunate, (a) pity |
気丈 | きじょう | stout-hearted, firm |
気候 | きこう | climate |
気力旺盛 | きりょくおうせい | being full of energy (drive, motivation, vitality) |
気味 | きみ | sensation, feeling |
気孔 | きこう | stoma |
気忙しい | きぜわしい | restless, fidgety, fussy |
気概 | きがい | strong spirit |
気泡 | きほう | (air) bubble (esp. in a liquid) |
気筒 | きとう | cylinder |
気管支炎 | きかんしえん | bronchitis |
気胞 | きほう | bladder, vesicle |
気象 | きしょう | weather, climate |
気象庁 | きしょうちょう | Meteorological Agency |
気軽 | きがる | carefree, buoyant, lighthearted, sprightly; ease |
気迫 | きはく | spirit, soul, drive, vigor, vigour |
気遣い | きづかい | consideration, concern, fear, worry, solicitude |
気遣う | きづかう | to worry about, to feel anxious about, to have apprehensions of |
気鋭 | きえい | spirited, energetic |
気骨稜々 | きこつりょうりょう | (a person with) strong moral fiber (backbone, determination) |
気骨稜稜 | きこつりょうりょう | (a person with) strong moral fiber (backbone, determination) |
汁気 | しるけ | juice |
沼気 | しょうき | marsh gas, methane |
無邪気 | むじゃき | innocence, simple-mindedness |
熱気 | ねっき | heat, hot air, enthusiasm |
狂気 | きょうき | madness |
瑞気 | ずいき | good omen |
眠気 | ねむけ | sleepiness, drowsiness |
磁気 | じき | magnetism |
磁気嵐 | じきあらし | magnetic storm |
稚気 | ちき | childishness, naivete |
空気孔 | くうきこう | air pocket, air hole |
粘り気 | ねばりけ | stickiness |
臭気 | しゅうき | bad smell, stink |
蒸気機関 | じょうききかん | steam engine |
蜃気楼 | しんきろう | mirage |
覇気 | はき | ambition, aspiration |
軍需景気 | ぐんじゅけいき | war prosperity |
陰気 | いんき | gloom, melancholy |
雰囲気を壊す | ふんいきをこわす | to spoil the mood |
電気洗濯機 | でんきせんたくき | electric washing machine |
電気炉 | でんきろ | electric furnace |
風邪気 | かざけ, かぜけ | slight cold |
鬼気 | きき | ghastly, dreadful |