term | pronunciation | English |
歴史 | れきし | history |
学歴 | がくれき | academic background |
履歴 | りれき | personal history, background, career, log, record |
履歴書 | りれきしょ | personal history, curriculum vitae, resume |
披歴 | ひれき | express one's opinion, making known, revealing, stating |
歴代 | れきだい | successive generations, successive emperors |
歴任 | れきにん | successive jobs, consecutive jobs |
歴史的 | れきしてき | historic, historical, traditional |
歴史的経緯から | れきしてきけいいから | for historical reasons |
歴然 | れきぜん | evident, plain, distinct, clear |
歴訪 | れきほう | round of calls, tour of visitation |
略歴 | りゃくれき | brief personal record, short curriculum vitae, short CV |
経歴 | けいれき | personal history, career |
逮捕歴 | たいほれき | criminal record |
遍歴 | へんれき | travels, pilgrimage, itinerancy |
閲歴 | えつれき | career |