meaning'correct, justice, righteous, 10**40'
 onyomiセイ, ショウ
 kunyomiただ.しい, ただ.す, まさ, まさ.に
しょうごhigh noon
正しいただしいright, just, correct
かいせいrevision, amendment, alteration
せい(logical) true, regular
こうせいjustice, fairness, impartiality
せいしきdue form, official, formality
ふせいinjustice, unfairness
しょうじきhonesty, integrity, frankness
せいかくaccurate, punctuality, exactness, authenticity
せいかいcorrect answer
せいもんthe main/front gate, the main entrance
きょうせいreform, correction, training
ちのしょうほうChino Shoho (Japanese religious group founded by Chino Yuuko)
だいそうじょうhigh priest
きゅうしょうがつlunisolar New Year, Chinese New Year, Vietnamese Tet
ぜせいcorrection, revision
こうせいcorrection, revision, rectification
せいそくcorrect, proper, formal, regular, systematic, normal
せいちゃく, せいてきlegal wife, her child, main family
せいじょうnormalcy, normality, normal
せいさくbeginning of the month or the year, New Year's Day, the calendar
殿せいでんmain temple, state chamber
せいぎjustice, right, righteousness, correct meaning
せいぎのなにおいてin the name of justice
せいきregular, legal, formal, established, legitimate
せいひんguest of honor, guest of honour
しょうめんfront, frontage, facade, main
しれつきょうせいorthodontia, orthodontics
きょうせいcorrection, remedy
きょうせいしりょくcorrected eyesight
正しいちつじょただしいorderly, well-ordered
しゅくせいregulation, enforcement
こうきしゅくせいeliminating corruption among government officials, tightening discipline (among)
ほせいよさんrevised or supplementary budget
ていせいcorrection, revision, amendment
がしょう, がせいA Happy New Year!
こうせいproofreading, correction of press; calibration
てきせいreasonable, suitable
じゅんせいgenuine, pure, perfect
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