term | pronunciation | English |
歌手 | かしゅ | a singer |
歌 | うた | song |
歌う | うたう | to sing |
国歌 | こっか | national anthem |
歌謡 | かよう | song, ballad |
且つ飲み且つ歌う | かつのみかつうたう | to drink and sing at the same time, to drink as well as sing |
倭歌 | わか | waka (classic Japanese poem, esp. a tanka, often 31 mora) |
凱歌 | がいか | victory song, victory |
唱歌 | しょうか | singing, songs |
女歌舞伎 | おんなかぶき | girls' kabuki |
悲歌慷慨 | ひかこうがい | indignant lamentation over the evils of the times |
歌人 | かじん | (Japanese) poet |
歌仙 | かせん | great poet |
歌劇 | かげき | opera |
歌唱 | かしょう | song, singing |
歌声 | うたごえ | singing voice |
歌姫 | うたひめ | songstress |
歌曲 | かきょく | melody, tune, song |
歌碑 | かひ | tanka inscription |
歌稿 | かこう | manuscript of poem |
歌舞伎 | かぶき | kabuki, Japanese classical drama |
歌詞 | かし | song lyrics, words of a song, libretto |
歌謡曲 | かようきょく | popular song |
歌集 | かしゅう | anthology, book of poetry |
演歌 | えんか | enka, traditional-style Japanese popular ballad |
牧歌的 | ぼっかてき | pastoral, idyllic |
琉歌 | りゅうか | Okinawan fixed form poetry |
短歌 | たんか | tanka, 31-syllable Japanese poem |
紡ぎ歌 | つむぎうた | spinning song |
絃歌 | げんか | singing and (string) music |
艶歌 | えんか | troubadour |
詠歌 | えいか | poem, song, (Buddh.) pilgrim's song |
詩歌 | しいか, しか | Japanese (and Chinese) poetry |
賛歌 | さんか | song of praise, eulogy, paean, hymn |
頌歌 | しょうか | anthem, carol, hymn of praise |
鼻歌 | はなうた | humming |