meaning'longing, covetousness, greed, passion, desire, craving'
 kunyomiほっ.する, ほ.しい
欲しいほしいwant (adjective)
よくばりavarice, covetousness, greed
しょくよくappetite (for food)
欲勿おのれのほっせざるところひとにほどこすことなかれdon't do unto others what you would not have done unto you
いよくwill, desire, ambition
よくgreed, craving, desire, avarice, wants
欲しがるほしがるto desire, to want, to wish for, to covet
欲するほっするto want, to desire
欲のよくのどれいslave to avarice
よくぼうdesire, appetite, lust
むよくunselfish, disinterested, unavaricious, free of avarice
きんよくabstinence, abnegation
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