meaning'mechanism, opportunity, occasion, machine, airplane'
あいきfavourite aircraft, camera, or machine
きかいchance (opportunity)
ジェット機ジェットきjet aeroplane
せんたくきlaundry machine
こうつうきかんtransportation facilities
そうじきvacuum cleaner
せんぷうきelectric fan
じょうきげんgood humour (humor), good mood
かんそうきdrying machine, dryer, desiccator
しんごうきtraffic light; signalling mechanism, semaphore (apparatus)
ていさつきreconnaissance plane, spy plane
いんさつきprinting press
そうどうきtwin-fuselage plane
けいきopportunity, chance
こうきgood opportunity, chance
こうさくきかいmachine tools
たいきalert, standby, await an opportunity, wait for orders
とうきspeculation, venture, stockjobbing, gambling (on stocks)
かくせいきmegaphone, bullhorn, loudhailer
しんきじくinnovation, new departure, milestone, breakthrough
りょかくき, りょかっきpassenger plane
じきしょうそうbefore its time
すうきimportant state matters
機卿すうききょう, すうきけいCardinal (Catholic)
ききmachinery and tools
きげんhumour, humor, temper, mood
きぎopportunity, occasion
きみつsecrecy, highly classified information
きびんsmart, quick, prompt
きざいmachine parts, machinery, equipment
きかいかmechanization, mechanisation; computerization
きかいぶんめいtechnical civilization, technical civilisation
きかいほんやくmachine translation, mechanical translation, automatic translation
きかいごmachine language, machine word, computer word
きかいけいびcard-key system
きこうmechanism, organization, organisation
きしゅtype of equipment, model
きのうfunction, facility, faculty, feature
きじくaxis, axle, plan, contrivance
きかんmechanism; agency, organisation, institution, organ
きかんしbulletin, (party) organ
きかんじゅうmachine gun
きらい(sea) mine
かっしょうきglider, sailplane
さんぎょうきかいindustrial machinery
しんくうそうじきvacuum cleaner
ふくしききassistive products (e.g. wheel chairs, hearing aids, etc.)
ぼうきspinning machine
しょっきloom, weaving machine
りんきおうへんadapting oneself to the requirements of the moment, playing it by ear, ad hoc
じどうはんばいきvending machine
こうくうきaircraft, aeroplane, airplane
はくようきかんmarine engine
かんさいきship-borne plane
じょうききかんsteam engine
ふくしゃきphotocopying machine
しもんきかんconsultative body, advisory committee, advisory organ
いっきmissing a chance
しゃだんきrailway crossing gate
きんゆうきかんfinancial institutions, banking facilities
でんきelectrical machinery, appliances
でんきせんたくきelectric washing machine
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