meaning'authority, power, rights'
 onyomiケン, ゴン
 kunyomiおもり, かり, はか.る
けんりright, privilege
ちゅうおうしゅうけんcentralized authoritarian rule, centralised authoritarian rule
ちゅうおうしゅうけんかcentralization of power, centralisation of power
しゅどうけんhegemony, leadership, initiative
しゅけんsovereignty, supremacy, dominion
しゅけんしんぱんinfringement of sovereignty
じんけんhuman rights, civil liberties
じんけんようごprotection of human rights
さいけんcredit, claim
てんぷじんけんnatural rights of man
ふっけん, ふくけんrehabilitation, reinstatement, restoration of rights
ていとうけんmortgage, a lien on one's mortgage
きょひけんright of veto
せいけん(political) administration, political power
きとくけんvested rights
きけんabstaining from voting; renunciation of a right
けんauthority, right (to do something)
けんりょく(political) power, authority, influence
けんいauthority, power, influence
けんげんpower, authority, jurisdiction
とっきょけんpatent rights
ちょうぼうけんright to a view
かんかつけん(have) jurisdiction over
とうすいけんsupreme command authority
しょうぞうけんrights to usage of one's likeness
せいきゅうけんclaim rights
せんしゅけんchampionship, title (of champion)
はんぷけん(movie) distribution rights
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