meaning'music, comfort, ease'
 onyomiガク, ラク, ゴウ
 kunyomiたの.しい, たの.しむ, この.む
楽しいたのしいnice (time)
楽むたのしむto enjoy oneself
楽しみたのしみpleasure, joy
ごらくpleasure, amusement
らくcomfort, ease
こまspinning top
こうきょうがくsymphony (orchestra)
きょうらくenjoyment, pleasure
きょうらくしゅぎepicureanism, hedonism
きょうらくせいかつgay life
ぎがくancient music
ばくろう, はくらくcattle or horse trader, good judge of horses or cattle
倶楽くらぶ, クラブclub, fraternity, sorority, clubhouse
しのぶおんがくmemorial concert, memorial music (performance)
すいそうがくwind (instrument) music
きどあいらくhuman emotions (joy, anger, pathos, and humor) (humour)
せいがくvocal music
ごらくじょうamusement spot
ごらくしつrecreation room
ごらくしせつamusement (recreational) facilities
ごらくばんぐみamusement program, amusement programme
ごらくがいamusement quarter
げんがくmusic for strings
げんがっきstringed instruments
えつらくenjoyment, pleasure
りんゆうがくIndian song and dance (introduced to Japan by the Chams in approx. 736 CE)
楽しむたのしむto enjoy oneself
がっきmusical instrument
がくしょう(musical) movement
がくふscore (music)
かんらくがいpleasure quarter
かぐらancient Shinto music and dancing
かんげんがくorchestral music
かんげんがくorchestral music
げんがくstring music
げんがっきstringed instruments
のうがくNoh play
ほうがく(traditional) Japanese music
ががくold Japanese court music, gagaku
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