term | pronunciation | English |
体格 | たいかく | physique |
格好 | かっこう | (a) shape, (a) form, a figure, appearance(s) |
格好(の | かっこう(の)いい | attractive, nice-looking, nicely-shaped |
価格 | かかく | price, value, cost |
性格 | せいかく | character, personality |
合格 | ごうかく | success, passing (e.g. exam), eligibility |
同格 | どうかく | the same rank, equality, apposition |
低価格 | ていかかく | low price |
厳格 | げんかく | severe, rigid, strictness, rigor, rigour, austerity |
合格祈願 | ごうかくきがん | prayer for school success |
弘仁格 | こうにんきゃく | Ordinance of the Konin Era |
昇格 | しょうかく | raising of status |
本格 | ほんかく | original method or procedure; serious, orthodox, classical, genuine |
本格化 | ほんかくか | regularization, regularisation, getting up speed, proceeding at full tilt |
本格的 | ほんかくてき | full-blown, regular, genuine, earnest, normal, typical, fundamental, real |
格差 | かくさ | qualitative difference, disparity |
格納 | かくのう | storage; putting into computer memory |
格闘 | かくとう | hand-to-hand fighting, grappling, scuffling |
規格 | きかく | standard, norm |
賃金格差 | ちんぎんかくさ | wage differential |
資格 | しかく | qualifications, requirements, capabilities |
適格 | てきかく, てっかく | eligible, qualified, competent |
骨格 | こっかく | physique, build, frame, skeletal structure, framework |