term | pronunciation | English |
光栄 | こうえい | honour, honor, glory, privilege |
共栄 | きょうえい | mutual prosperity |
昭栄 | しょうえい | Shoei (motorcycle helmet manufacturing company), Shouei |
栄光 | えいこう | glory |
栄冠 | えいかん | laurels, garland |
栄枯 | えいこ | vicissitudes, ups and downs |
栄枯盛衰 | えいこせいすい | ups and downs of life, vicissitudes of fortune |
栄耀 | えいよう | luxury, splendour, splendor, prosperity |
栄誉 | えいよ | honour, honor |
栄誉礼 | えいよれい | salute of guards of honor (honour) |
栄養 | えいよう | nutrition, nourishment |
栄養士 | えいようし | nutritionist |
栄養失調 | えいようしっちょう | malnutrition |
栄養素 | えいようそ | nutrient |
繁栄 | はんえい | prospering, prosperity, thriving, flourishing |
頌栄 | しょうえい | doxology |