meaning'wither, die, dry up, be seasoned'
 kunyomiか.れる, か.らす
枯れるかれるto wither, to die (plant), to be blasted (plant)
枯らしこがらしcold wintry wind
枯らすからすto let dry, to kill (vegetation) to season (lumber)
枯れかれきdead tree, dry wood
枯れかれえだdead branch (or twig, etc.), withered branch
枯れかれくさ, こそうdry grass, dead grass, hay, withered grass
枯れかれはdead leaf, dry leaves
かれえだdead branch (or twig, etc.), withered branch
こしwithering, dying
こたんelegant simplicity
こかつdrying up, becoming exhausted, running dry, starvation
えいこvicissitudes, ups and downs
えいこせいすいups and downs of life, vicissitudes of fortune
立ち枯れたちがれblighted, withered
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