meaning'come, due, next, cause, become'
 onyomiライ, タイ
 kunyomiく.る, きた.る, きた.す, き.たす, き.たる, き, こ
く・る、きた・る、きた・すto come
らいねんnext year
らいげつnext month
するらいにちするto visit Japan
って来もってくるbring (thing)
いらいsince (then); from (that time on); ever since
できごとan event, an incident
来るくるto come (vk)
さ来さらいねんyear after next
しょうらいfuture, prospects
さ来さらいげつthe month after next
さらいげつmonth after next
さらいねんyear after next
がりできあがりbe finished, ready, made for, cut out
がるできあがる(1) to be finished, to be ready, by definition
来るだけできるだけif at all possible
ほんらいessentially, naturally, by nature
みらいfuture (life, tense)
らいにちarrival in Japan, coming to Japan, visit to Japan
れて来つれてくるbring (person)
さ来さらいしゅうthe week after next
さらいしゅうweek after next
にょらいTathagata, perfected one (suffix of high-ranking Buddhist deities)
しょうらいぞうvision of the future
しょうらいせいfuture prospects, promise
おうらいcoming and going, road, correspondence, street traffic, highway
じゅうらいup to now, so far, traditional, existing (e.g. equipment)
きゅうらいtraditional, from ancient times, formerly
さくねんらいsince last year
らいしゅん, らいはるnext spring
らいほうvisit, call
らいこうcoming to pay tribute
らいひんguest, visitor, visitor's arrival
らいしゅうnext week
じらいsince then, after that
はくらいimported, foreign-made
はくらいひんimported article, imported goods
やくしにょらいBhaisajyaguru (buddha able to cure all ills)
しゅうらいinvasion, raid, attack, visitation (of a calamity)
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