meaning'ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect'
 onyomiボウ, モウ
 kunyomiのぞ.む, もち
しつぼうdisappointment, despair
望みのぞみwish, desire, (a) hope
望むのぞむto desire, to wish for, to see, to command
きぼうほうCape of Good Hope
しょくぼう(having great) expectation, pinning one's hopes on
てんぼうview, outlook, prospect
きぼうhope, wish, aspiration
たいぼうexpectant waiting; long-awaited
しぼうwish, desire, ambition
ゆうぼうgood prospects, full of hope, promising
さくぼうげつsynodic month
さくぼうちょうspring tide
もちづき, ぼうげつfull moon; full moon of the eighth lunar month
ぼうきょうhomesickness, nostalgia
よくぼうdesire, appetite, lust
かつぼうcraving, longing, thirsting
かつぼうしゃdesiring person, luster
ちょうぼうprospect, view, outlook
ちょうぼうけんright to a view
ぜつぼうdespair, hopelessness
ようぼうdemand for, request
でんぱぼうえんきょうradio telescope
がんぼう, がんもうdesire, wish, aspiration
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