meaning'organize, arranging, tune, tone, meter, key (music)'
 kunyomiととの.える, ととの.う
せいびadjustment, completion, consolidation
せいりsorting, arrangement, adjustment, regulation
調ちょうせいregulation, adjustment, tuning
ふせいみゃくirregular pulse, arrhythmia
きんせいsymmetry, balance, proportion, uniformity
整うととのうto be prepared, to be in order, to be put in order, to be arranged
整ったととのったwell-ordered, in good order, well-featured, well-regulated
せいごうadjustment, coordination, integration, conformity
せいけいorthopedics; smoothing (bursty traffic, etc.)
せいけいげかorthopaedic surgery, plastic surgery
ちつじょせいぜんin good (perfect) order, in apple-pie order
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