term | pronunciation | English |
攻撃 | こうげき | attack, strike, offensive, criticism, censure |
一斉射撃 | いっせいしゃげき | volley firing, fusillade, broadside |
反撃 | はんげき | counterattack, counteroffensive, counterblow |
威嚇射撃 | いかくしゃげき | warning shot |
射撃 | しゃげき | firing, shooting, fire, gunshot, marksmanship |
打撃 | だげき | blow, shock, strike, damage; batting (baseball) |
挟み撃ち | はさみうち | pincer attack, attack on both sides (flanks) |
挟撃 | きょうげき | pincer movement, pincer attack |
撃つ | うつ | to shoot (at); to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge |
撃墜 | げきつい | shooting down (aircraft) |
爆撃 | ばくげき | bombing (raid) |
目撃 | もくげき | to observe, to witness; eye-witness |
砲撃 | ほうげき | bombarding, shelling, bombardment |
衝撃 | しょうげき | shock, crash, impact, ballistic |
衝撃波 | しょうげきは | shock wave |
襲撃 | しゅうげき | attack, charge, raid |
迎え撃つ | むかえうつ | to ambush, to attack, to assault, to meet the enemy |
迎撃 | げいげき | intercept, interception, counter attack |
迫撃 | はくげき | close attack |
迫撃砲 | はくげきほう | mortar |
遊撃 | ゆうげき | raid, shortstop |
遊撃手 | ゆうげきしゅ | shortstop |
銃撃 | じゅうげき | shooting, gunning (down) |
鼓腹撃壌 | こふくげきじょう | (people) sing the praises (enjoy the blessings) of peace |