掛 | meaning | 'hang, suspend, depend, arrive at, tax, pour' |
onyomi | カイ, ケイ |
kunyomi | か.ける, -か.ける, か.け, -か.け, -が.け, か.かる, -か.かる, -が.かる, か.かり, -が.かり, かかり, -がかり |
term | pronunciation | English |
出掛ける | でかける | to depart, to set out, to start, to be going out |
呼び掛ける | よびかける | to call out to, to accost, to address (crowd) |
引っ掛かる | ひっかかる | to be caught in, to be stuck in, to be cheated |
腰掛け | こしかけ | seat, bench |
腰掛ける | こしかける | to sit (down) |
見掛け | みかけ | outward appearance |
話し掛ける | はなしかける | to accost a person, to talk (to someone) |
之繞を掛ける | しんにゅうをかける | to exaggerate |
切っ掛け | きっかけ | chance, start, cue, excuse, motive, impetus, occasion |
呼び掛け | よびかけ | call, appeal |
壁掛け | かべかけ | wall-mounted ornament; wall-mounted, wall ... |
寄り掛かる | よりかかる | to lean against, to recline on, to lean on, to rely on |
手掛かり | てがかり | clue; handhold, on hand |
掛け | かけ | credit; partially, half |
掛け捨て | かけすて, かけずて | failing to honor (honour) an installment payment (instalment) |
掛け軸 | かけじく | hanging scroll |
繭を掛ける | まゆをかける | to spin a cocoon |
追っ掛ける | おっかける | to chase, to run after, to pursue |