meaning'set, lay a foundation, install, equip, squat dow'
据わるいすわるto remain, to stay (somewhere)
据えつけるすえつけるto install, to equip, to mount
据えすえつけinstallation, setting, fitting, mounting
据えけるすえつけるto install, to equip, to mount
据えすえおきdeferment (e.g. of savings), leaving (a thing) as it stands
据えすえおくto leave as it is, to defer
据るすわるto sit; to assume (a position); to hold steady, to hold still
据わるすわるto sit; to assume (a position); to hold steady, to hold still
据えるみすえるto gaze at, to stare at, to focus on, to make sure of
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