meaning'discard, throw away, abandon, resign, reject, sacrifice'
捨てるすてるto throw away; to cast aside; to abandon
使い捨てつかいすてのdisposable, throwaway, single-use
ししゃごにゅうrounding up (fractions)
り捨てきりすて(historical) using people of low rank as sword fodder, omission, rounding down
び捨てよびすてaddressing someone without an honorific such as "san"
げ捨てるなげすてるto throw away
捨てすていし(in the game of go) a sacrificed stone, ornamental garden stone
捨てすてみat the risk of one's life
け捨てかけすて, かけずてfailing to honor (honour) an installment payment (instalment)
捨てるみすてるto abandon, to fail, to desert
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