term | pronunciation | English |
逮捕 | たいほ | arrest, apprehension, capture |
傷病捕虜 | しょうびょうほりょ | sick and wounded prisoners |
国際逮捕状 | こくさいたいほじょう | international arrest warrant |
捕まえる | つかまえる | to catch, to arrest, to seize |
捕らえる | とらえる | to seize; to grasp, to perceive, to treat (as) |
捕る | とる | to take, to catch (fish), to capture |
捕手 | ほしゅ | catcher (baseball) |
捕獲 | ほかく | capture, seizure |
捕虜 | ほりょ | prisoner (of war) |
捕虜交換 | ほりょこうかん | prisoner exchange |
捕虜収容所 | ほりょしゅうようじょ | prison camp, concentration camp, prisoner of war camp, POW camp |
捕逸 | ほいつ | (baseball) passed ball, catcher missing a ball |
捕鯨 | ほげい | whaling, whale fishing |
捕鯨船 | ほげいせん | whaling ship |
盗人を捕らえて見れば我が子也 | ぬすびとをとらえてみればわがこなり | The thief caught turn out to be one's own son |
緊急逮捕 | きんきゅうたいほ | arrest without warrant |
逮捕される | たいほされる | to be arrested |
逮捕歴 | たいほれき | criminal record |
逮捕状 | たいほじょう | arrest warrant |
逮捕者 | たいほしゃ | arrestee, person arrested |
逮捕記録 | たいほきろく | arrest record |
逮捕許諾 | たいほきょだく | stripping a Diet member of arrest immunity |