meaning'catch, capture'
 kunyomiと.らえる, と.らわれる, と.る, とら.える, とら.われる, つか.まえる, つか.まる
たいほarrest, apprehension, capture
しょうびょうほりょsick and wounded prisoners
こくさいたいほじょうinternational arrest warrant
捕まえるつかまえるto catch, to arrest, to seize
捕らえるとらえるto seize; to grasp, to perceive, to treat (as)
捕るとるto take, to catch (fish), to capture
ほしゅcatcher (baseball)
ほかくcapture, seizure
ほりょprisoner (of war)
ほりょこうかんprisoner exchange
ほりょしゅうようじょprison camp, concentration camp, prisoner of war camp, POW camp
ほいつ(baseball) passed ball, catcher missing a ball
ほげいwhaling, whale fishing
ほげいせんwhaling ship
を捕らえてればぬすびとをとらえてみればわがこなりThe thief caught turn out to be one's own son
きんきゅうたいほarrest without warrant
捕されるたいほされるto be arrested
たいほれきcriminal record
たいほじょうarrest warrant
たいほしゃarrestee, person arrested
たいほきろくarrest record
たいほきょだくstripping a Diet member of arrest immunity
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