term | pronunciation | English |
指 | ゆび | finger |
指先 | ゆびさき | fingertip |
小指 | こゆび | the little finger |
指す | さす | to point, to put up umbrella, to play |
人差指 | ひとさしゆび | index finger |
目指す | めざす | to aim at, to have an eye on |
薬指 | くすりゆび | ring finger |
親指 | おやゆび | the thumb |
指輪 | ゆびわ | (finger) ring |
作況指数 | さっきょうしすう | rice-crop index |
十二指腸 | じゅうにしちょう | duodenum |
学習指導要領 | がくしゅうしどうようりょう | government course (curriculum) guidelines |
屈指 | くっし | leading, foremost, preeminent, outstanding, one of the best |
指令 | しれい | orders, instructions, directive, command |
指名 | しめい | name, nominate, designate |
指定 | してい | designation, specification, assignment, appointment, pointing at |
指揮 | しき | command, direction |
指揮棒 | しきぼう | conductor's stick, conductor's baton |
指揮者 | しきしゃ | (musical) conductor |
指摘 | してき | pointing out, identification |
指標 | しひょう | index, indices, indicator |
指矩 | さしがね | carpenter's square; instigation, suggestion |
指示 | しじ | indication, instruction, designation, directions |
指紋 | しもん | fingerprint |
指紋押捺 | しもんおうなつ | fingerprinting |
指針 | ししん | compass needle (cursor), guideline, pointer |
総指揮 | そうしき | supreme command, direction over all |