term | pronunciation | English |
一括 | いっかつ | all together, batch, one lump, one bundle, summing up |
一括め | ひとくるめ | one bunch, one bundle, one lot |
一括払い | いっかつはらい | lump-sum payment |
丸括弧 | まるがっこ | parentheses, round parentheses |
包括 | ほうかつ | inclusion, complete coverage, comprehensiveness |
右中括弧 | みぎちゅうかっこ | closing brace |
右小括弧 | みぎしょうかっこ | closing parenthesis |
括りつける | くくりつける | to fasten (a person) to |
括る | くくる | to tie up, to tie together, to bundle, to fasten, to hang (oneself) |
括れ | くびれ | constriction, narrow part, wrinkle |
括れる | くびれる | to be constricted |
括弧 | かっこ | parenthesis, brackets |
統括 | とうかつ | unification; control, supervision |
総括 | そうかつ | synthesis, recap, generalize, generalise |
総括主宰者 | そうかつしゅさいしゃ | (electoral) campaign manager |