拘 | meaning | 'arrest, seize, concerned, adhere to, despite' |
onyomi | コウ | |
kunyomi |
term | pronunciation | English |
拘らず | かかわらず | in spite of, regardless of |
拘る | こだわる | to fuss over; to be obsessive, to be fixated |
拘わらず | かかわらず | in spite of, regardless of |
拘わる | こだわる | to fuss over; to be obsessive, to be fixated |
拘束 | こうそく | restriction, restraint, binding |
拘束時間 | こうそくじかん | total hours spent working |
拘留 | こうりゅう | detention, hold a person in custody |
拘禁 | こうきん | intern |
拘置 | こうち | detention, confinement, arrest |
拘置所 | こうちしょ | prison, detention house |
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