term | pronunciation | English |
切り抜き | きりぬき | scraps, cuts |
剣を抜く | つるぎをぬく, けんをぬく | to draw a sword |
卓抜 | たくばつ | excellence, superiority, preeminence, prevalence |
堀り抜く | ほりぬく | to dig through, to drill into, to excavate |
奇抜 | きばつ | novel, original, striking, strange, eccentric, fantastic |
手抜き | てぬき | omitting crucial steps, a drop in activity |
抜き | ぬき | without; (beating) in succession |
抜け出す | ぬけだす | to slip out; to break (out of a loop) |
抜け穴 | ぬけあな | loophole |
抜本的 | ばっぽんてき | drastic, radical |
抜粋 | ばっすい | extract, excerpt, selection |
拍子抜け | ひょうしぬけ | anticlimax, let-down, disappointment, loss of interest |
生え抜き | はえぬき | native-born, trueborn |
目抜き | めぬき | principal, main, important, fashionable |
筒抜け | つつぬけ | passing or going directly through (to) |
選抜 | せんばつ | selection, choice, picking out |