meaning'fold, break, fracture, bend, yield, submit'
 kunyomiお.る, おり, お.り, -お.り, お.れる
うせつturn right
折るおるto break, to fold, to pick a flower
折れるおれるto break, to be folded, to give in, to turn
うせつきんしcannot turn right
させつきんしleft-handed; southpaw
せっかくwith trouble, at great pains, long-awaited
こっせつbone fracture
わようせっちゅうa blending of Japanese and Western styles
おりchance, suitable time
折からおりから, おりがらjust then; appropriate moment
折りにれておりにふれてoccasionally, on opportunity
折りおりあいmutual relations, compromise
折りおりたたみつくえfolding desk
折りおりがみorigami (paper folding)
折りおりづるfolded paper crane
せっちゅうcompromise, cross, blending, eclecticism
せっちゅうあんcompromise proposal
おりづるfolded paper crane
挫折ざせつfrustration, setback, discouragement
きょくせつwindings, meanderings, complications
がぞくせっちゅうblending of the classical and colloquial styles
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