meaning'acquiesce, hear, listen to, be informed, receive'
 onyomiショウ, ジョウ
 kunyomiうけたまわ.る, う.ける, ささ.げる, とど.める, たす.ける, こ.らす, つい.で, すく.う
承しまかしこまりました“certainly sir/madam”
しょうち・するconsent, acceptance
しょうにんrecognition, acknowledgement, approval, consent
でんしょうtransmission, hand down (information), legend, tradition, folklore
しょういんconsent, acceptance, agreement
しょうふくcompliance, consent, submission
しょうちのすけOK, Sure, Yessir!, Okeydokey!, Understood
しょうけいsuccession, accession, inheritance
しょうだくconsent, acquiescence, agreement
りしょうばんRhee Syngman, president of Korea 1948-1960
けいしょうinheritance, succession, accession
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