term | pronunciation | English |
完成 | かんせい | dry |
作成 | さくせい | frame, draw up, make, producing |
成功 | せいこう | success, hit |
成人 | せいじん | adult |
成分 | せいぶん | ingredient, component, composition |
構成 | こうせい | organization, composition |
火成岩 | かせいがん | igneous rock |
成立 | せいりつ | coming into existence, arrangements, establishment |
成績 | せいせき | results, record |
賛成 | Uӣ[い | approval, agreement, support, favour |
成長 | せいちょう | growth, grow to adulthood |
亜成層圏 | あせいそうけん | substratosphere |
京成 | けいせい | train line Tokyo - Narita |
促成 | そくせい | promotion of growth |
促成栽培 | そくせいさいばい | raising out-of-season crops with artificial heat |
信頼醸成 | しんらいじょうせい | trust building, confidence building |
助成 | じょせい | assisting, assistance, fostering, aiding |
合成樹脂 | ごうせいじゅし | plastics, synthetic resins |
合成洗剤 | ごうせいせんざい | synthetic detergent |
合成繊維 | ごうせいせんい | synthetic fibre, synthetic fiber |
好成績 | こうせいせき | good results |
平成 | へいせい | Heisei era (1989.1.8- ) |
形成 | けいせい | formation, molding, taking form |
成し遂げる | なしとげる | to accomplish, to finish, to fulfill |
成人病 | せいじんびょう | adult diseases |
成否 | せいひ | success or failure, outcome, result |
成就 | じょうじゅ | fulfillment, fulfilment, realization, realisation, completion |
成層圏 | せいそうけん | stratosphere |
成果 | せいか | results, fruits |
成熟 | せいじゅく | maturity, ripeness |
成虫 | せいちゅう | imago, adult (insect) |
成長を阻む | せいちょうをはばむ | to hinder (check) the growth of (plants) |
成長株 | せいちょうかぶ | growth stock, person with future promise |
既成 | きせい | established, completed, existing |
既成事実 | きせいじじつ | established fact, fait accompli |
既成概念 | きせいがいねん | stereotype, preconceived idea, preconceived notion |
期成同盟 | きせいどうめい | association formed to carry out an objective |
混成 | こんせい | mixed (e.g. team, chorus) |
熟成 | じゅくせい | mature, ripen, cure, ferment |
竣成 | しゅんせい | completion |
結成 | けっせい | formation |
編成 | へんせい | composition, formation, organization, organisation, compilation |
育成 | いくせい | rearing, training, nurture, cultivation, promotion |
育成栽培 | いくせいさいばい | vegetable and fruit growing |
造成 | ぞうせい | creation, clearing, reclamation |
達成 | たっせい | achievement |
醸成 | じょうせい | brew, foment, breed |
錬成 | れんせい | training, drilling |
養成 | ようせい | training, development |