term | pronunciation | English |
悲憤慷慨 | ひふんこうがい | indignant lamentation over the evils of the times |
悲歌慷慨 | ひかこうがい | indignant lamentation over the evils of the times |
感慨 | かんがい | strong feelings, deep emotion |
感慨無量 | かんがいむりょう | deep emotion, one's mind is filled with thousand emotions |
慨世 | がいせい | deploring the course of public events |
慨嘆 | がいたん | deploring, lamentation, regret, complaint |
慨歎 | がいたん | deploring, lamentation, regret, complaint |
慨然 | がいぜん | indignant, sorrowful; steadfast, determined |
慷慨 | こうがい | righteous indignation, patriotic lamentation, deploration |
憤慨 | ふんがい | indignation, resentment |