meaning'disconcerted, be confused, lose one's head'
 kunyomiあわ.てる, あわ.ただしい
慌ておおあわてgreat excitement
きょうこうpanic, scare, consternation
慌しいあわただしいbusy, hurried, confused, flurried
慌ただしいあわただしいbusy, hurried, confused, flurried
慌ててあわててin hot haste, in confusion
慌てふためくあわてふためくto get into a panic, to be flustered, to panic, to get in a flap
慌てんぼうあわてんぼうflustered person, hasty person
慌てあわてものscatterbrain, absent-minded person
きんゆうきょうこうfinancial crisis or panic
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