term | pronunciation | English |
感情 | かんじょう | emotion; feeling |
感動する | かんどうする | to be moved (by) |
感じ | かんじ | feeling, sense, impression |
実感 | じっかん | feelings (actual, true) |
感激 | かんげき | deep emotion, impression, inspiration |
感覚 | かんかく | sense, sensation |
五感 | ごかん | the five senses |
劣等感 | れっとうかん | inferiority complex |
収穫感謝祭 | しゅうかくかんしゃさい | Thanksgiving Day, harvest festival |
叡感 | えいかん | emperor's approval |
哀感 | あいかん | pathos |
感じる | かんじる | to feel, to sense, to experience |
感冒 | かんぼう | cold |
感動 | かんどう | being deeply moved emotionally, excitement, passion, deep emotion, impression |
感嘆 | かんたん | admiration, wonder |
感嘆符 | かんたんふ | exclamation point, exclamation mark |
感性 | かんせい | sensitivity, sensitiveness, sense |
感想 | かんそう | impressions, thoughts |
感慨 | かんがい | strong feelings, deep emotion |
感慨無量 | かんがいむりょう | deep emotion, one's mind is filled with thousand emotions |
感染 | かんせん | infection, contagion |
感染症 | かんせんしょう | infectious disease, infection |
感涙 | かんるい | tears of gratitude |
感触 | かんしょく | sense of touch, feeling, sensation, texture (of food while chewing) |
感謝 | かんしゃ | thanks, gratitude |
感銘 | かんめい | deep impression |
敏感 | びんかん | sensibility, susceptibility, sensitive (to), well attuned to |
期待感 | きたいかん | feeling of expectation |
流行性感冒 | りゅうこうせいかんぼう | influenza, flu |
痛感 | つうかん | feeling keenly, fully realizing |
臨場感 | りんじょうかん | presence |
責任感 | せきにんかん | sense of responsibility |
鈍感 | どんかん | thickheadedness, stolidity, insensitivity |
霊感 | れいかん | afflatus; ability to sense the supernatural (esp. ghosts, etc.) |