meaning'emotion, feeling, sensation'
かんじょうemotion; feeling
するかんどうするto be moved (by)
感じかんじfeeling, sense, impression
じっかんfeelings (actual, true)
かんげきdeep emotion, impression, inspiration
かんかくsense, sensation
ごかんthe five senses
れっとうかんinferiority complex
しゅうかくかんしゃさいThanksgiving Day, harvest festival
えいかんemperor's approval
感じるかんじるto feel, to sense, to experience
かんどうbeing deeply moved emotionally, excitement, passion, deep emotion, impression
かんたんadmiration, wonder
かんたんふexclamation point, exclamation mark
かんせいsensitivity, sensitiveness, sense
かんそうimpressions, thoughts
かんがいstrong feelings, deep emotion
かんがいむりょうdeep emotion, one's mind is filled with thousand emotions
かんせんinfection, contagion
かんせんしょうinfectious disease, infection
かんるいtears of gratitude
かんしょくsense of touch, feeling, sensation, texture (of food while chewing)
かんしゃthanks, gratitude
かんめいdeep impression
びんかんsensibility, susceptibility, sensitive (to), well attuned to
きたいかんfeeling of expectation
りゅうこうせいかんぼうinfluenza, flu
つうかんfeeling keenly, fully realizing
せきにんかんsense of responsibility
どんかんthickheadedness, stolidity, insensitivity
れいかんafflatus; ability to sense the supernatural (esp. ghosts, etc.)
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