meaning'idea, mind, heart, taste, thought, desire, care, liking'
いみ(a) meaning, a sense
いとan intent, an intention, a purpose, an aim
をはいじをはるto be stubborn, to not give in
いがいunexpected, surprising
いしintention, purpose
いしwill, volition
いじわるmalicious, ill-tempered, unkind
けいいrespect, honour
ちゅういcaution, being careful, attention (heed)
いぎmeaning, significance
いけんopinion, view
いしきconsciousness, senses
そういoriginal idea, originality
ちょくいmeaning or gist of a decree
ごういagreement, consent, mutual understanding
もんだいいしきawareness of the issues
ちょういcondolence, sympathy, mourning
けいいけんshape-of-the-mind fist, Hsing I Chuan
とくいtriumph, prosperity; pride; one's forte
意にいにかなうto satisfy (one), to meet (one's) desire
いこうintention, idea, inclination
いみあいimplication, nuance
いとてきintentional, on purpose
いしひょうじdeclaration of intention
いよくwill, desire, ambition
いきけんこうin high spirits, elated
いきけんこうin high spirits, elated
込みいきごみardor, enthusiasm
いきそそうdepressed in spirits, rejection, disheartened, lacking nerve
いしゅgrudge, malice, spite
いばしんえん(being unable to control) one's worldly desires and passions
こんいkindness, intimacy, friendship
こいintention; mens rea (guilty mind)
てきいhostility, animosity
けついdecision, determination
ねついzeal, enthusiasm
よういしゅうとうvery careful, thoroughly prepared
しんいreal intention, true motive, true meaning
ほんいchange one's mind
せいしんせいいin all sincerity, with one's whole heart, whole-hearted devotion
せいいsincerity, good faith
しゃいgratitude, thanks
がいcongratulatory feeling
さんいapproval, assent
じいintention to resign
えいいeagerly, earnestly, diligently
ずいいvoluntary, optional
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