meaning'jail cell, grieve, sad, deplore, regret'
 kunyomiかな.しい, かな.しむ
悲しいかなしいsad, sorrowful
悲しむかなしむto be sad, to mourn for, to regret
ひるいtears of sadness
悲しいかなしいかなSad to say, How sad, Alas
悲しみかなしみsadness, sorrow, grief
ひあいsorrow, grief, sadness
ひたんgrief, sorrow, anguish, lamentation
ひそうheroic, tragic, grim, pathetic, touching
ひれんblighted love, disappointed love
ひさんdisastrous, tragic, miserable, wretched, pitiful
ひふんこうがいindignant lamentation over the evils of the times
ひかこうがいindignant lamentation over the evils of the times
ひつうbitterness, pathos
ひかんpessimism, disappointment
ひがんone's dearest wish, Buddha's vow to save humanity
ひめいshriek, scream
じひcompassion, benevolence, charity, mercy
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