term | pronunciation | English |
思い出 | ゆしゅつ | memory |
思い出す | おもいだす | to recollect, remember |
思う | おもう | think |
思い込む | おもいこむ | to be under impression that, to be convinced that |
思い付く | おもいつく | to think of, to hit upon |
思わず | おもわず | unintentional, spontaneous |
思想 | しそう | ideology |
意思 | いし | intention, purpose |
思考 | しこう | thought |
不思議 | ふしぎ | mystery, curiosity |
思いやり | おもいやり | consideration, sympathy |
思い切って | おもいきって | resolutely, boldly, daringly |
思い悩む | おもいなやむ | to worry |
思惑 | おもわく | expectation; anticipation, speculation |
思惟 | しい | thought, thinking, speculation |
思慕 | しぼ | yearning, deep affection |
思慮 | しりょ | prudence |
思潮 | しちょう | trend of thought |
思索 | しさく | speculation, thinking, meditation |
意思表示 | いしひょうじ | declaration of intention |
朕思うに | ちんおもうに | "We, the emperor, .." |