term | pronunciation | English |
残念 | ざんねん | bad luck, disappointment |
丹念 | たんねん | assiduity, diligence, application |
信念 | しんねん | belief, faith, conviction |
執念 | しゅうねん | tenacity, implacability |
天然記念物 | てんねんきねんぶつ | natural monument; protected species (animal, habitat, etc.) |
念 | ねん | sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, concern, attention, care |
念仏 | ねんぶつ | Buddhist prayer, prayer to Amitabha |
念頭 | ねんとう | mind |
念願 | ねんがん | one's heart's desire, earnest petition |
憶念 | おくねん | something one always remembers |
懸念 | けねん | worry, fear, anxiety, concern |
戦没者追悼記念日 | せんぼつしゃついとうきねんび | Memorial Day (US) |
断念 | だんねん | abandoning (hope, plans), giving up |
既成概念 | きせいがいねん | stereotype, preconceived idea, preconceived notion |
概念 | がいねん | general idea, concept, notion |
理念 | りねん | idea |
疑念 | ぎねん | doubt, suspicion, misgivings, scruples |
祈念 | きねん | prayer |
記念 | きねん | commemoration, memory |
記念日 | きねんび | holiday, anniversary, memorial day |
記念碑 | きねんひ | monument |
貞操観念 | ていそうかんねん | sense of virtue |