meaning'apply, answer, yes, OK, reply, accept'
 onyomiオウ, ヨウ, -ノウ
 kunyomiあた.る, まさに, こた.える
いちおうonce, tentatively, in outline, for the time being
はんのうreaction, response
こおうhailing each other; acting in concert; agreement, concord
たいおうinteraction, correspondence, coping with, dealing with, support
応えるこたえるto respond; to take its toll, to strike home
応じるおうじるto respond, to satisfy, to accept, to comply with, to apply for
おうぼsubscription, application
おうしょうbeing called to the colours (colors) (mil)
おうえんaid, assistance, help, reinforcement, rooting, barracking, support, cheering
おうようapplication, put to practical use
おうとうreply, answer, response
おうだくconsent, compliance
おうしゅうexchange; reply, riposte
きょぜつはんのう(organ) rejection; unthinking dismissal, strong reaction (against)
こうていおうとうacknowledge, ACK
りんきおうへんadapting oneself to the requirements of the moment, playing it by ear, ad hoc
れんさはんのうchain reaction
てきおうadaptation, accommodation, conformity
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