term | pronunciation | English |
一応 | いちおう | once, tentatively, in outline, for the time being |
反応 | はんのう | reaction, response |
呼応 | こおう | hailing each other; acting in concert; agreement, concord |
対応 | たいおう | interaction, correspondence, coping with, dealing with, support |
応える | こたえる | to respond; to take its toll, to strike home |
応じる | おうじる | to respond, to satisfy, to accept, to comply with, to apply for |
応募 | おうぼ | subscription, application |
応募者 | おうぼしゃ | applicant |
応召 | おうしょう | being called to the colours (colors) (mil) |
応援 | おうえん | aid, assistance, help, reinforcement, rooting, barracking, support, cheering |
応札 | おうさつ | bid |
応用 | おうよう | application, put to practical use |
応答 | おうとう | reply, answer, response |
応諾 | おうだく | consent, compliance |
応酬 | おうしゅう | exchange; reply, riposte |
拒絶反応 | きょぜつはんのう | (organ) rejection; unthinking dismissal, strong reaction (against) |
肯定応答 | こうていおうとう | acknowledge, ACK |
臨機応変 | りんきおうへん | adapting oneself to the requirements of the moment, playing it by ear, ad hoc |
連鎖反応 | れんさはんのう | chain reaction |
適応 | てきおう | adaptation, accommodation, conformity |