term | pronunciation | English |
御免 | ごめん | your pardon, declining (something), dismissal |
御手洗 | おてあらい | font of purifying water placed at entrance of shrine |
御無沙汰 | ごぶさた | not writing or contacting for a while |
御覧 | ごらん | (hon) look, inspection, try |
御馳走 | ごちそう | feast, treating (someone) |
御辞儀 | おじぎ | bow |
御飯 | ごはん | rice, food |
晩御飯 | ばんごはん | supper, dinner |
朝御飯 | あさごはん | breakfast |
大御所 | おおごしょ | leading or influential figure |
天津御姉 | あまつみこ | emperor |
天津御祖 | あまつみおや | imperial ancestor |
御三家 | ごさんけ | three branch Tokugawa families; big (top) three |
御伽草子 | おとぎぞうし | fairy-tale book |
御凸 | おでこ | brow, forehead |
御厄 | とうそう, もがさ, おやく | smallpox, variola |
御名御璽 | ぎょめいぎょじ | the imperial or privy seal |
御婆さん | おばあさん | grandmother; female senior-citizen |
御嬢さん | おじょうさん | daughter; young lady |
御孫さん | おまごさん | grandchild |
御幣 | ごへい, おんべい, おんべ | staff with plaited paper streamers used in Shinto |
御幸 | ぎょうき, みゆき, ごうき, ごこう | imperial outing or visit |
御所 | ごしょ | old imperial palace |
御曹司 | おんぞうし | son of a distinguished family, son of a noble |
御曹子 | おんぞうし | son of a distinguished family, son of a noble |
御殿 | ごてん | palace, court |
御猪口 | おちょこ | small cup, sake cup; cup-shaped |
御璽 | ぎょじ | imperial seal, privy seal |
御用 | ごよう | your order, your business, official business |
御用邸 | ごようてい | imperial villa |
御盆 | おぼん | O-Bon, Bon Festival, Lantern Festival, Festival of the Dead |
御絞り | おしぼり | wet towel (supplied at table), hot, moistened hand towel |
御苑 | ぎょえん | imperial garden |
御菓子 | おかし | confections, sweets, candy |
御萩 | おはぎ | rice ball coated with sweetened red beans, soybean flour or sesame |
御薦め | おすすめ | recommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement |
御誕生日おめでとうございます | おたんじょうびおめでとうございます | Happy Birthday |
御降誕 | ごこうたん | birth (regal), nativity |
御陵 | ごりょう | imperial tomb |
菊の御紋 | きくのごもん | Imperial chrysanthemum emblem |
防御 | ぼうぎょ | defense, defence, safeguard, protection |