meaning'wait, depend on'
 kunyomiま.つ, -ま.ち
待つまつto wait
まちあいしつa waiting room
待ちわせるまちあわせるto rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time
待するしょうたいするto invite
待するきたいするto expect
待ちまちwaiting, waiting time
待ちまちぶせperforming an ambush
たいぼうexpectant waiting; long-awaited
たいきalert, standby, await an opportunity, wait for orders
たいぐうtreatment, reception
たいひせんa sidetrack, a turnout
せったいreception; business entertainment
せったいreception; business entertainment
きたいexpectation, anticipation, hope
きたいかんfeeling of expectation
かんたいwarm welcome, hospitality
ぎゃくたいill-treatment, oppression
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