term | pronunciation | English |
役 | やく | use, service, role, position |
役人 | やくにん | government official |
役割 | やくわり | part, assigning (allotment of) parts, role, duties |
区役所 | かやくしょ | a ward office |
役所 | やくしょ | government office, public office |
役目 | やくめ | duty, business |
役に立つ | やくにたつ | to be helpful, to be useful |
役者 | やくしゃ | actor, actress |
三役 | さんやく | three highest ranks (wrestling, unions, etc.) |
主役 | しゅやく | leading part, leading actor (actress) |
助役 | じょやく | assistant official |
取締役 | とりしまりやく | company director, board member |
取締役会 | とりしまりやくかい | board of directors; board of directors' meeting |
役務賠償 | えきむばいしょう | reparation in the form of service |
役員 | やくいん | officer, official, executive, staff |
役員報酬 | やくいんほうしゅう | officer's compensation or remuneration |
役柄 | やくがら | role |
懲役 | ちょうえき | penal servitude, imprisonment with hard labor (hard labour) |
服役 | ふくえき | penal servitude, military service |
現役 | げんえき | active duty, active service |
監査役 | かんさやく | auditor, inspector |
相談役 | そうだんやく | counselor, counsellor, adviser, advisor |
郡役所 | ぐんやくしょ | county offices |