meaning'hit, right, appropriate, himself'
 kunyomiあ.たる, あ.たり, あ.てる, あ.て, まさ.に, まさ.にべし
とうにんperson concerned
おべんとうboxed lunch
だとうvalid, proper, right, appropriate
き当たりつきあたりend (e.g. of street)
き当たるつきあたるto run into, to collide with
べんとうbox lunch
当たりこころあたりhaving some knowledge of, happening to know
たんとう(in) charge
とうじつappointed day, very day
当たりひあたりexposure to the sun, sunny place
とうじat that time, in those days
ほんとtruth, reality
とうばんbeing on duty
けんとうbe found, aim, estimate, guess, approx
てきとうfitness, suitability
いっきとうせんbeing a match for a thousand, being a mighty warrior (combatant, player)
ふおんとうimpropriety, inappropriateness, unfairness, unreasonableness
じゅうとうallocation, appropriation
り当てわりあて, かっとうallotment; binding
当たりつぼあたりper tsubo (area)
だとうせいvalidity, verification, propriety
当たりあたりhit, success, reaching the mark, per ..., vicinity, neighborhood, neighbourhood
とうしょat first
とうきょくauthorities; this office
とうわくbewilderment, perplexity, embarrassment, confusion
とうぜんnatural, as a matter of course
とうがいappropriate (authorities), concern, applicability, correlation
とうがいじんぶつthe appropriate person, competent person
とうがいかんちょうproper authorities, authorities concerned
ていとうmortgage, security, hypothec, pledge
ていとうけんmortgage, a lien on one's mortgage
ふへんだとうuniversal validity, fitting into any situation
ふへんだとうせいability to fit into any situation
おんとうproper, reasonable, right
きじゅつてきだとうせいdescriptive adequacy
がいとうcorresponding, answering to, coming under, applying to
がいとうしゃperson concerned, person qualified, person in question, party, litigant (legal)
せつめいてきだとうせいexplanatory adequacy
はいとうdividend, share
じゅんとうproper, right, reasonable
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