term | pronunciation | English |
当人 | とうにん | person concerned |
お弁当 | おべんとう | boxed lunch |
妥当 | だとう | valid, proper, right, appropriate |
突き当たり | つきあたり | end (e.g. of street) |
突き当たる | つきあたる | to run into, to collide with |
弁当 | べんとう | box lunch |
心当たり | こころあたり | having some knowledge of, happening to know |
手当て | てあて | allowance |
担当 | たんとう | (in) charge |
当日 | とうじつ | appointed day, very day |
日当たり | ひあたり | exposure to the sun, sunny place |
当時 | とうじ | at that time, in those days |
本当 | ほんと | truth, reality |
当番 | とうばん | being on duty |
相当 | そうとう | appropriate |
見当 | けんとう | be found, aim, estimate, guess, approx |
適当 | てきとう | fitness, suitability |
一騎当千 | いっきとうせん | being a match for a thousand, being a mighty warrior (combatant, player) |
不穏当 | ふおんとう | impropriety, inappropriateness, unfairness, unreasonableness |
充当 | じゅうとう | allocation, appropriation |
割り当て | わりあて, かっとう | allotment; binding |
坪当たり | つぼあたり | per tsubo (area) |
妥当性 | だとうせい | validity, verification, propriety |
当たり | あたり | hit, success, reaching the mark, per ..., vicinity, neighborhood, neighbourhood |
当初 | とうしょ | at first |
当局 | とうきょく | authorities; this office |
当惑 | とうわく | bewilderment, perplexity, embarrassment, confusion |
当然 | とうぜん | natural, as a matter of course |
当該 | とうがい | appropriate (authorities), concern, applicability, correlation |
当該人物 | とうがいじんぶつ | the appropriate person, competent person |
当該官庁 | とうがいかんちょう | proper authorities, authorities concerned |
抵当 | ていとう | mortgage, security, hypothec, pledge |
抵当権 | ていとうけん | mortgage, a lien on one's mortgage |
普遍妥当 | ふへんだとう | universal validity, fitting into any situation |
普遍妥当性 | ふへんだとうせい | ability to fit into any situation |
穏当 | おんとう | proper, reasonable, right |
記述的妥当性 | きじゅつてきだとうせい | descriptive adequacy |
該当 | がいとう | corresponding, answering to, coming under, applying to |
該当者 | がいとうしゃ | person concerned, person qualified, person in question, party, litigant (legal) |
説明的妥当性 | せつめいてきだとうせい | explanatory adequacy |
配当 | はいとう | dividend, share |
順当 | じゅんとう | proper, right, reasonable |