meaning'bottom, sole, depth, bottom price, base, kind, sort'
おくそこthe depth; the bottom
そこbottom, sole
たにぞこvalley bottom
ふてっていinconsistent, illogical, unconvincing, not thorough, indefinite, half-way
とうてい(cannot) possibly
そこねbottom price
そこいれbottoming out (of prices)
そこぢからlatent energy, reserve strength, potentiality
そこがたいstable (market) after having bottomed out
そこびきあみtrawl (net)
そこうちbottoming out
ていりゅうbottom current, undercurrent
ていへんbase (geometry, society)
てっていthoroughness, completeness
こんていroot, basis, foundation
かいていbottom of the ocean
こていbottom of a lake
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