meaning'wide, broad, spacious'
 kunyomiひろ.い, ひろ.まる, ひろ.める, ひろ.がる, ひろ.げる
広いひろいwide, big, spacious
こうこくan advertisement
ひろばan open space, a square, a plaza
広がるひろがるto spread (out), to extend, to stretch, to reach
広まるひろまるto spread, to circulate, to get about
広げるひろげるto spread, to extend, to expand, to enlarge
ひろびろextensive, spacious
広めるひろめるto broaden, to propagate
せびろa (business) suit
が広いかおがひろいknow a lot of people, be widely known
さんぎょうこうこくらんclassified ads
はばひろwide width (e.g. cloth)
広いはばひろいextensive, wide, broad
広がったひろがったえだspreading branches
広がりひろがりspread, span
こういきwide area
こうほうPR, public relations, publicity, information
こうだいhuge, very large, vast, extensive, magnificent, grand
こうしゅうGuangzhou (China), Canton
こうばくvast, wide, boundless
こうはんwide, extensive, comprehensive, far-reaching, widespread
こうはんいextensive, vast range, wide scope
こうようじゅbroadleaf tree
こうきbroad gauge
こうじえんKoujien (famous Japanese dictionary)
え広がるもえひろがるto spread (flames)
り広げるくりひろげるto unfold, to open
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