meaning'curtain, bunting, act of play'
 onyomiマク, バク
じまくsubtitles, a title, a caption
まくcurtain, bunting, act (in play)
幕をまくをとじるto come to an end; to close the curtain
ひとまくone act
いっぱんばくりょうgeneral staff
れ幕たれまくhanging screen, curtain
ばくりょうstaff, staff officer
まくうちhighest-ranking sumo division
ばくふbakufu, shogunate
ばくまつclosing days of the Tokugawa shogunate, end of Edo era
まくあけbeginning, opening (of play)
おうだんまくbanner strung across a street
とうごうばくりょうかいぎJoint Staff Council
へいまくfalling of the curtain, coming to an end
かいまくraising the curtain
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