term | pronunciation | English |
常に | つねに | always, constantly |
日常 | にちじょう | ordinary, regular, everyday, usual |
異常 | いじょう | strangeness, abnormality, disorder |
常識 | じょうしき | common sense |
非常に | ひじょうに | very, extremely, exceedingly |
非常 | ひじょう | emergency, extraordinary, unusual |
尋常 | じんじょう | common, usual |
尋常一様 | じんじょういちよう | ordinary, common, mediocre |
常 | とこ | ever, endless |
常任 | じょうにん | standing, regular, permanent |
常務 | じょうむ | managing director; routine business, regular business |
常勤 | じょうきん | full-time employment |
常軌 | じょうき | proper course, beaten track |
常駐 | じょうちゅう | staying permanently, being stationed, resident |
恒常 | こうじょう | constancy |
日常茶飯事 | にちじょうさはんじ | everyday occurrence |
正常 | せいじょう | normalcy, normality, normal |
無常迅速 | むじょうじんそく | the (fast) pace at which life passes, the nearness of death |
異常妊娠 | いじょうにんしん | abnormal pregnancy |
経常 | けいじょう | ordinary |
経常利益 | けいじょうりえき | current profits, ordinary profit, income before income taxes |
通常 | つうじょう | common, general, normal, usual |
非常勤 | ひじょうきん | part-time work |