term | pronunciation | English |
寝巻 | ねまき | sleep-wear, nightclothes, pyjamas, nightgown |
巻く | まく | to wind, to coil, to roll |
糸巻き | いとまき | thread-reel |
巻貝 | まきがい | snail's spiral shell |
別巻 | べっかん | separate volume, extra issue |
圧巻 | あっかん | highlight, best part, masterpiece |
巻 | まき | roll (e.g. of cloth); winding; volume (of book) |
巻き添え | まきぞえ | getting involved (entangled) in, getting mixed up in, involvement, by-blow |
巻き貝 | まきがい | snail, spiral shell |
巻き込む | まきこむ | to roll up, to involve, to enfold, to swallow up, to drag into |
巻き返し | まきかえし | rally, recovery, rollback |
巻末 | かんまつ | end of a book |
巻頭 | かんとう | opening page of book; prefatory |
席巻 | せっけん | sweeping conquest, sweeping over, conquering, invading |
渦巻 | うずまき | whirlpool, eddy, coil |
渦巻き | うずまき | whirlpool, eddy, coil |
渦巻く | うずまく | to whirl, to eddy, to swirl, to curl (smoke) |
竜巻 | たつまき | tornado, waterspout |
絵巻 | えまき | picture scroll |
虎の巻 | とらのまき | crib notes, key (to a diagram) |
虎巻 | とらかん | crib notes, key (to a diagram) |
襟巻 | えりまき | muffler, scarf, comforter |
襟巻き | えりまき | muffler, scarf, comforter |
襟巻き蜥蜴 | えりまきとかげ, エリマキトカゲ | frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii), frill-necked lizard |
襟巻蜥蜴 | えりまきとかげ, エリマキトカゲ | frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii), frill-necked lizard |
鉢巻き | はちまき | headband |